• Size X Male cement Notes version of why I chose to try Kido I have PCOS which is polycystic ovarian syndrome and I this you want to get the high fat coconut milk and you want to make sure that they don't add any sugar so in this there's two grams of carbs for a quarter cup which is not a lot this is really really fatty good for then he's too honest it's like raising a teenager like my um but it can be difficult to get all of the micronutrients that you need so I do take supplements for different electrolytes and different things like that I do not have everything that I would normally take right now because again we're living at a friend's house so I'm gonna show you this stuff I have right now but number one is b12 I didn't have a nutritional use before so it's taking us at least once a day however these are the dissolvable like sugary tablets I will be buying pills from now on so that it like you're not just getting all the added sugar so it tastes good but I'll still get crusty dissolvable ones because he likes them better and then as for like electrolyte esque supplements I take not this one I take potassium citrate which is really really good to get especially if you're not eating like bananas enough spinach different things like that it's always good to have a little bit extra in your diet and then the other is and magnesium these both have a 180 tablets you can table it up to three a day I generally take one or two per day and I will definitely continue to purchase these until I can find an electrolyte powder that has everything you need which is very much potassium magnesium chloride sodium and that's that's pretty much it like in essence those are like the four main ones so I'm kind of in the market for an electrolyte powder I could







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